Architecture Portfolio
Contextual Fit

A small family of four will be living in the Smith House. The father is a chef, his wife is a baker, and they have two twin boys who are 8 years old. The parents’ main request is to have a grand kitchen across from a large family area where the boys can play. This allows them to freely enjoy their hobbies while also being close to their sons. Family time is very important, so an open floor plan is required. The mother wants a master bedroom containing a walk-in closet, because she needs a large space to store her shoes and clothes. The twins want separate bedrooms for sleeping, but a large area for playtime together during the day.
Out door living area
Private-Bedrooms, bathrooms
Public- Kitchen and living room, outdoor living space, play area, dining room
Quite- Bedrooms
Loud- Family room, Kitchen
Conceptual Ideas



Over view
Contextual Analysis

Final Design

Preliminary Designs