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Philosophy Statement:


  -The past precedents of light influenced the form of the building by the location and angle that the building was placed on the property. 


 -Based on the analysis, I selected my site due to the building having to be on a public space.  The location is along an the entrance to the campus and would make for an easy commute for pedestrians.


 -The design mediates the contextual conflict between orientation of the built environment by placing the chapels where the direction of the sunlight would hit the building at different times of the day and year.  By placing the offices towards the face of the building they would get the least amount of sun exposure.


  -The Hierarchy of the building is the main chapel. The main chapel is center of the building with ,greater in hight and a slope roof. The datum is the curve connecting the back of the offices to the face of the building above the entrance. Circulation accrues starting at the lobby going through the corridor to the offices then to each entrance of all three chapels.



Preliminary Designs:

Final Design:


Memorial chapel



Farmingdale State collage has asked  for a non-denominational chapel located on the campus of SUNY Farmingdale. The College wants this to be a profoundly spiritual place that people of all faiths can worship and reflect on life’s events. The College believes this can be achieved by the creative use of light. The College has outlined a preliminary program that is listed below. A site has yet to selected on campus; the College is looking for guidance from the Architect. The building has to be integrated into the fabric of the campus. The College explicitly requests the design not be symmetrical.




1. Main Chapel

2. Memorial Chapel

3. Meditation Chapel



Light Research:


3-D light sketch/machines:

Contextual Analysis:

Main Chapel


Meditation Chapel




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